Wednesday 15 September 2010

DIY Ringflash

I bought cake tray and a plastic bowl, silver type for this project.

Here's the process

DIY Multi Wall Photo Frame

I bought these budget photo frame as it's simple and made by plastic so it's quite light.

Then you work out the shape of frame that you want to create and glue them together. I used 2 kid of glue 1st was plastic glue and then filled the gap with super glue.


 As the glue made the marks on edges of the frame so I decided to spray paint it again.

Here's the final. Yay!

Monday 30 August 2010

DIY take-up spool for Lomo Smena 8M

I bought a Smena 8M in recent trip to Moscow... I paid 250Rub and checked it fine... But as i got back and realized it didn't come with a take-up spool. So had to go out to buy 2 film canisters and wasted 1 :(.

Here's the process:

Just by using back of the spoon. Lift up the top.

Yes, it fits.

Cutting a bit of the edge. It fits well inside the gap.

Yay! all done.. ready for first roll.